Г-н Matthew Kwasiborski, европейският директор на Фонда за американски изследвания, кани български студенти и журналисти за участие в тазгодишния Европейски институт по журналистика – EJI, който ще се състои в Прага от 5 до 12 юли. Всяка година EJI организира интензивен семинар с практикуващи журналисти и студенти по журналистика и е фокусиран около горещите теми за журналистиката.
Заявките се подават онлайн на адрес: www.tfasinternational.org. В сайта на EJI можете да намерите повече информация за процедурите и за Института.
The Fund for American Studies takes pride in presenting the 5th annual European Journalism Institute (EJI) in Prague, Czech Republic this summer from July 5 – July 12, 2008. The Fund for American Studies seeks highly qualified journalists and students of journalism to attend the European Journalism Institute.
EJI was developed in response to a growing recognition that journalists must be empowered with the knowledge and skills needed to objectively report on a variety of business and economic issues. EJI is the premier program for journalists and students of journalism. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in social and networking activities while fostering new professional relationships.
The Institute curriculum emphasizes how to understand the structure and functions of market economics in the context of such fundamental issues as:
• The role of government in the economy
• Environmental regulation
• Globalization
• The functions of the price system
• Health and welfare economics
• International trade
You can assist us in recruiting outstanding candidates to apply for the Institute.
Applicants can apply online at www.tfasinternational.org. The EJI website is the best resource for information and communication. The website provides information detailing the Institute's academic and admission procedures and it also enables applicants to check their application status online.
Students are encouraged to apply early because we employ a rolling basis for admission decisions, but all applications must be completed by the final admissions deadline of April 1, 2008. If you have any questions about the program, or would like to request additional brochures, please send me an email at mkwasiborski@tfas.org.